Are you considering getting a prenuptial agreement before tying the knot? If so, LegalZoom may be one of the first names that comes to mind when seeking legal services online. But does LegalZoom do prenuptial agreements?

The answer is yes, LegalZoom does offer prenuptial agreements as one of their legal services. They provide prenuptial agreements for both traditional and same-sex couples. LegalZoom’s prenuptial agreements cover various topics, including property division, spousal support, and debt allocation. They offer personalized prenuptial agreements that are tailored to each couple’s unique situation and state laws.

Getting a prenuptial agreement can be a wise decision for couples who want to protect their assets and finances in the event of a divorce. It can also help both parties to understand each other’s financial expectations and obligations before entering into marriage.

So, how does LegalZoom’s prenuptial agreement service work? First, you will need to fill out a detailed online questionnaire that covers your assets, liabilities, and financial goals. You will also need to include information about your future spouse’s financial situation and goals.

Next, LegalZoom’s team of attorneys will review your questionnaire and draft a personalized prenuptial agreement that meets your specific needs. The final document will be sent to you for review and approval. Once you and your spouse have signed the agreement, it will become legally binding.

LegalZoom also offers additional legal services related to prenuptial agreements, such as legal advice and consultation with attorneys. This can be helpful if you have any questions or concerns about your prenuptial agreement or the legal process.

However, it’s essential to understand that using an online legal service like LegalZoom may have its limitations. While LegalZoom’s team of attorneys can provide legal advice and assistance, they cannot represent you in court. If your prenuptial agreement is challenged or disputed in court, you may need to hire an attorney to represent your interests.

In conclusion, yes, LegalZoom does offer prenuptial agreements as one of their legal services. It can be a convenient and affordable option for couples who want to get a prenuptial agreement. However, it’s important to understand the limitations of using an online legal service and to seek legal representation if necessary.